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Step beyond the 3rd dimension! 


This book is a comfortable bridge to understanding yourself, beyond your day-to-day view of life. 


From ghosts, fairies and unexplained phenomena, through to E.T.s, Earth changes, and the part you play in creating your own reality, this book will give you a simple and effective orientation into the worlds beyond our "normal" view of things and a way of strengthening your own connection to who you really are. 

Your journey starts here – enjoy the ride! 


This is a fantastic and intriguing guide for any one who wants to learn about spirituality!

Spirit Seeds by Helen Downs must read no
Spirit Seeds by Helen Downs front cover

"I love this book! So glad I read a copy as it has made it much easier for me to get my head around all these concepts that seemed like separate, disconnected things before. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to look deeper into those mysteries of life and what they have to do with us!" ~ Arlene L., 


"Too many of us go through life never knowing or realizing some of these things. I found this book to be a very good introduction to many intriguing areas. THANKS!"  ~ Gerard P.


Available in electronic and paperback form, you'll find "Spirit Seeds" on Amazon/Kindle at this link

Spirit Seeds by Helen Downs OUT NOW get

A limited number of hardcover copies of the first edition "A Handful of Seeds" are available for collectors. For a personally autographed copy of the first edition in Australia ( $35 with FREE postage in Australia - or plus shipping to overseas) contact me direct  - Contact Helen


The Paradigm

... a short epic saga in twelve parts.

by H.M. Downs


Click on book to go there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>




Paradigm - Front Cover.jpg

The Author sits down to write, and a whimsical tale reveals itself. What IS a paradigm? This is a short epic saga in twelve parts.


Is 'The Paradigm' a story? Is it a poem?


Either way, it is an exploration, which may entertain and amuse you.


Read it yourself and be the judge.


"A quirky little gem"

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